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Create/Update Ad Set

The Create/Update Ad Set API is designed to configure or update ad sets within a specific campaign. This endpoint allows for detailed customization of advertising strategies to target specific audiences and placements effectively.

  • Method: POST

  • URL: https://<PA_RM_END_POINT>/rm/1.0/adset

  • Headers:

    • Content-Type: application/json
    • Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN
  • Request Body Parameters:

    • name (string) [REQUIRED]: The name assigned to the Ad Set.

    • campaignId (GUID) [REQUIRED]: The unique identifier for the campaign to which the Ad Set belongs.

    • adSetType (integer) [REQUIRED]: Determines the Ad Set Type.

    • strategyType (integer) [REQUIRED]: Determines the strategy of the Ad Set.

    • startDate (dateTime) [CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED]: The start date and hour of the Ad Set.


      Required only for strategyType=4 (Fixed).

    • endDate (dateTime) [CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED]: The end date and hour of the Ad Set.


      Required only for strategyType=4 (Fixed).

    • placementIds (array of GUIDs) [REQUIRED]: List of specific placement IDs targeted by the Ad Set.

    • applyOnSpecificSlots (boolean) [REQUIRED]: Set to true if targeting specific slots; otherwise, false.

    • slot (string): Slot identifier used if specific slots are being targeted.

    • maxCPC (decimal) [CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED]: Maximum Cost Per Click. Required for strategyType=1,2,3.


      Maximum CPC is not applicable for strategyType=4.

    • fixedCost (decimal) [CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED]: Fixed cost for an ad set placement.


      Required only for strategyType=4 (Fixed).

    • totalCost (decimal) [CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED]: Total cost of the Fixed ad set placement.


      Required only for strategyType=4 (Fixed), calculated as the product of fixedCost and the duration of the Ad Set.

    • creativeSettings (object) [CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED]: The content information for Banner Ad:


      Required only for adSetType=3 (Banner)

      • bannerTitle (string): The title of the banner.

      • termsAndConditionsUrl (string): The URL for the terms and conditions.

      • bannerCopy (string): The copy of the banner.

      • ctaText (string): The call-to-action text.

      • ctaRedirectUrl (string): The URL to redirect when the call-to-action is clicked.

      • bannerImageUrl (string): The URL of the banner image.

    • customerSegmentId (array of GUIDs): Used only for strategyType=3 to target specific customer segments.

    • productAttributeFilter (array of objects) [CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED]: Array of Attribute objects for relevance affinity targeting:


      Required for adSetType=3 and strategyType=1,2

      • attribute (string): The attribute name.

      • attributeValues (string): The attribute values.

  • Response Codes:

    • 200 OK

      Successful request. The response body will include the details of the created/updated Ad Set:

      "message": "Ad Set created/updated successfully.",
      "adSet": {
      "id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "name": "Name of the Ad Set"
    • Non-200 Responses

      If an error occurs (e.g., bad request, unauthorized access), the server will respond with an appropriate non-200 status code and include an error message in the response body:

      "error": "Error message"

      Ensure that Ad Set data is accessed securely and only by authorized users to maintain confidentiality and integrity of the information.