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Ad Service Manager (ASM) Integration

Particular Audience's Retail Media offers a flexible and robust interface for on-site sponsored products and display advertising, suitable for any e-commerce platform or application. Our platform also integrates with third-party Ad Serving Managers (ASMs), enabling suppliers to create and manage their campaigns efficiently, ensuring a streamlined approach to digital advertising and media placement.

Getting Started with Integration

The integration process with PA's Retail Media platform is designed to be straightforward. We begin by setting up an integration Application. Each Application is linked to a specific Retailer but can accommodate multiple Suppliers. For each new Retailer, a separate Application needs to be established. Suppliers can be shared across Applications (Enabled for specific Applications upon request).

Application Setup and Authentication

  • Application Configuration: Particular Audience sets up an Application that includes generating an Application ID and a secret key.

  • Authentication: Authenticate using the Application ID and secret key through the Application Authentication API to obtain an Access Token. For detailed instructions, refer to the Application Authentication API documentation.

Managing Retailers and Suppliers


The organizations are set up in two layers. The Organization is the top-level entity, but each organization then has Business Units. For example, if a Retailer has multiple websites, each website will be an independent business unit. Similarly, a Supplier will also have an Organization, and one or multiple Business Units.


Users are setup at the organization level, but the placements and the campaigns are set up at the business unit level.

  • Retailer Information: Each Application is linked to a specific Retailer organization. The Retailer API provides detailed information about the linked Retailer. Please refer to the Retailer API documentation for detailed instructions on how to retrieve the Retailer information.

  • Supplier Management: An Application can be linked with multiple Supplier organizations. The Supplier API is used to obtain details about these linked Suppliers. If you need to activate a new supplier, please submit a request to Particular Audience to enable them for your Application. Please refer to the Supplier API documentation for detailed instructions on how to retrieve the active list of Supplier details.

User Management

Manage user creation and updates for Retailers and Suppliers through the User APIs:

Managing Placement (Inventory)

Placement (inventory) management are conducted via the Discovery OS. Retailer will enable the Placements (Slots) for specific Route, Widget, Ad Set Type & Ad Set Strategy, which will be used for the Ad Set creation. Please refer to Retail Media Placements documentation on how to create placements.

Available Placements can be retrived by using the Placement API. For detailed instruction on how to retrieve the available Placements, please refer to the Placement API documentation.

Wallet/Fund Management

The Wallet APIs facilitate the management of funds for the Suppliers.

Campaign Management

Use the Campaign APIs to create and update campaigns:

Ad Set Management

The Ad Set APIs facilitate the creation and management of Ad Sets:

Ad Set Collection Management

The Ad Set Collection APIs facilitate the creation and management of the product collection for Ad Sets: