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List Ad Set Collection

The List Ad Set Collection API is designed to retrieve a list of products eligible for inclusion in a specific Ad Set within a campaign. This endpoint provides detailed information about each product's selection status, pricing, and categorization, allowing for effective management of Ad Set collections.

  • Method: GET

  • URL: https://<PA_RM_END_POINT>/rm/1.0/addSetCollection/{adSetId}?skip=0&take=42


    {adSetId} is the unique identifier for the Ad Set whose product collection is being queried.

  • Headers:

    • Content-Type: application/json
    • Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN
  • Query Parameters:

    • skip (integer): The number of records to skip before starting to return results.
    • take (integer): The number of records to return.
  • Response Codes:

    • 200 OK

      A successful request returns a structured JSON containing an array of products along with pagination details:

      "items": [
      "isSelected": true,
      "isBlacklisted": false,
      "isBlocklisted": false,
      "refId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "sku": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "name": "Product Name",
      "brand": "Brand Name",
      "imageURL": [
      "price": {
      "amount": 22.99,
      "currency": 36
      "availability": "-1",
      "category": "Category > Subcategory"
      // Additional products
      "totalItems": 3852,
      "pageSize": 42

      Each product object includes:

      • isSelected (boolean): Indicates whether the product is selected for the Ad Set.

      • isBlacklisted (boolean): Indicates whether the product is set to be NOT used for Ad by the Supplier.


        This field indicates that the Supplier do not want to use this product for Ad. This is a Supplier level restriction.

      • isBlocklisted (boolean): Indicates whether the product is set to be NOT used for Ad by the Retailer.


        This field indicates that the Retailer do not want to use this product for Ad. This is a Retailer level restriction.

      • refId (string): Reference identifier used internally.

      • sku (string): Stock keeping unit for the product.

      • name (string): Name of the product.

      • brand (string): Brand of the product.

      • imageURL (array): URLs of product images.

      • price (object): Contains amount and currency.

      • availability (string): Stock availability status.

      • category (string): Category hierarchy of the product.

    • Non-200 Responses

      If an error occurs (e.g., bad request, unauthorized access), the server will respond with an appropriate non-200 status code and include an error message in the response body:

      "error": "Error message"